Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease which can
be initiated by certain environmental triggers. Though its exact cause is not
found, a predisposition for disease is inherited through genes. Many of people in the society still believes it’s
contagious but in reality it isn’t. It can have periodic remissions and skin
looks clear in between this periods. It affects all ages, both sexes and all
races. It often seen as thickened and scaling skin with is believed to be
caused by proliferation of skin cells, triggered by immune attack. It is associated
with high lipid levels in blood, diabetes and heart disease in later half of
Sites: - commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and
Psoriasis vulgaris (Most common)
Guttate psoriasis
Inverse psoriasis
Pustular psoriasis
Palmoplantar psoriasis.
Homeopathic Treatment: -
Homeopathic treatment is effective from
palliation of symptoms to complete cure in certain cases. But it is possible to
control its prognosis to life threatening situations like diabetes and cardio
vascular diseases. Usually remedies
prescribed may change for different individuals, but most commonly prescribed
medicines to control symptoms are
Ars iodie
Kali ars
Psoriasis before and after Homeopathic treatment
No diet restriction during treatment, but advised to eat a well-balanced,
healthy diet with lot of green leafy vegetables, fruits, food containing
vitamin D
Natural remedies for Psoriasis:-
Light therapy- Natural sunlight is also used to
treat psoriasis. Daily short, controlled exposures to natural sunlight may help
or clear psoriasis in some patients.
Epsom salts
Aloe vera