Allergic Rhinitis curable with Homeopathy

Allergic rhinitis is a group of symptoms of affecting nose, in response to allergen which is surfaced after an allergic reaction. Most common allergens are pollen, mold, animal dander, dust etc. Allergies are familial in nature and likely to have if the mother suffers from it.

·         Itchy nose, mouth, eyes, throat, skin, or any area
·         Problems with smell
·         Runny nose
·         Sneezing
·         Watery eyes
·         Stuffy nose (nasal congestion)
·         Coughing
·         decreased sense of smell
·         Sore throat
·         Fatigue and irritability
·         Headache   
Exams and Tests
                   Usual tests done to find allergic reaction IgM, IgE & AEC (absolute eosinophilic count)A complete blood count (CBC) test called the eosinophil count may also help diagnose allergies.
                 Homeopathic drugs are selected on the basis of triggers that causes allergy. Commonly used medicines are Pulsatilla, Nux vomica, lyssin, Arsenicum album. For preventing further relapses, genetic constitutional remedy for particular persons are given. Homeopathy is safe, reliable and effective for the treatment and its blessings 21st century for the humanity.